[api.met.no] Upgrade of api.met.no in near future

api.met.no mailing list api-users at lists.met.no
Thu Apr 20 14:18:55 CEST 2017

Dear api-users,

We will in the near future( e.g probably before end of May) move to a new
version of api.met.no. The changes made are mostly internal, and the
changes to the services themselves are minor.

However, the new version will require you to use https instead of http. If
you use http and port 80, you will be redirected to https/port 443.

The new version of the api is available here: https://beta.api.met.no.

It would be great if you could test it now and give us feedback via
weatherapi-adm at met.no. We would be happy to receive both comments and bug

Best regards,
Haavard Futsaeter
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