[api.met.no] Planned maintainance and discontinuation of old domains

api.met.no mailing list api-users at lists.met.no
Fri May 11 11:15:11 CEST 2018

Dear API users,

On Monday May 14th, 2018 from 07:00 to 13:00 UTC we will be running at 50%
capacity due to replacement of the cooling system in one of our data
centers. All services are expected to continue running, but latency times
and timeout errors may increase due to reduced capacity.

Also, as has been noted earlier, the domains api.yr.no and beta.api.met.no
will be turned off on June 11th, 2018. Please switch your systems to use
api.met.no instead.

Best regards,

Geir Aalberg
API developer

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